
Flowers: Annual vs. Perennial

What Are Flowers?

Flowers are angiosperms, which make up nearly 80% of all plants on the planet. If you want to learn more about angiosperms, click here. Within angiosperms, however, there are two different types; annual and perennial. If they’re both related to one another, then what’s the difference?

Annual Flowers

Annual flowers are just that; annual. They grow for one season and then die as winter hits. Why, then, would anyone grow a plant that just dies a few months later? Well, the biggest reason is for variety. Since annual plants die, you can replant your entire garden with a new variety of flowers after every winter. The biggest issue with these plants, however, are the cost; you either leave the ground bare or have to purchase new plants.

This next point is more about personal preference, but should be mentioned regardless. The majority of people consider annual flowers to be brighter and more colorful than perennials. Some common annual flowers include sunflowers, most marigolds, snapdragons, and zinnias.

Perennial Flowers

Perennial flowers, on the other hand, last for multiple seasons. The part of the plant above the ground, usually the stem and flower itself, usually dies as winter hits and then regrows when the weather improves. They provide consistency to your garden and better yet, you don’t have to buy new ones every season (if you keep them alive, that is).

The biggest downside to perennials is the same as their greatest strength. They last for multiple seasons. This means that you will run out of room as the plants grow, unless you decide to replace them with others. Common perennials are roses, lilies, and one of my personal favorites, dahlias.

What’s best?

Luckily for both you and I, that’s up to you! The answer can change for a variety of reasons, but a lot depends on your budget, space, and time. If you want to just plant something once and then manage the care of it, perennials are the way to go. If you like change and don’t mind planting new flowers every year, annuals may be better for you. Regardless of what you decide, best of luck with your garden!
